I received my PhD in population genetics from the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon) in 2011. I subsequently completed post-doctoral works on Anopheles arabiensis at the International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria)
I am a Senior Lecturer in Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. I received a PhD in 2015 from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, supervised by Prof. Charles Wondji…….
Basile Kamgang PhD/HDR, is an Entomologist working on arbovirus and arbovirus vectors in Africa. His career started in 2007 when he was enrolled for a PhD in entomology at laboratory of French Research Institute based at OCEAC in Cameroon….
He obtained his PhD in 2014 at University of Montpellier 2, working on the development of salivary biomarkers to assess human exposure to Aedes mosquitoes bites under the supervision of Dr Franck Remoue from IRD in France…
I am senior researcher since 2017. I hold a PhD and HDR in parasitology and medical entomology from the University of Yaoundé 1 Cameroon and Montpellier 2 France……