PAMCA Conference

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

ENQUÊTE: la Dengue, une menace contemporaine au Cameroun

Ce constat a été fait par des chercheurs du CRID. Ces derniers confirment la circulation simultanée de trois sérotypes de la dengue dans le pays.   Il s’agit du résultat d’une enquête menée par  Dr Huguette Simo Tchetgna, chercheuse associée au CRID. Ainsi, elle a démontré l’importance de surveiller les virus émergents et ré-émergents dans…

INVESTIGATION : Dengue is a contemporary threat in Cameroon

CRID researchers confirmed concurrent circulation of three dengue serotypes in Cameroon.   It is the result of a survey carried out by Dr. Huguette Simo Tchetgna. As CRID associate researcher, she has demonstrated the importance of monitoring emerging and re-emerging viruses in urban areas of Africa, especially in metropolitan areas. Together with her team, they…