JIF 2022: Le CRID pour un meilleur avenir des femmes scientifiques

Le soutien à l’optimisation du rendement des femmes dans le secteur de la recherche scientifique est une réalité au CRID. La Journée Internationale de la Femme 2022 a été l’occasion de le démontrer. Officialisée par les Nations Unies en 1977, la Journée Internationale des droits des Femmes (JIF), célébrée chaque 08 mars est l’occasion de revisiter la…

Call for Application for the Recruitment of 01 Master’s student

Call for Application for the Recruitment of 01 Master’s student As part of a project entitled: “Genetic diversity and maternal transmission of Microsporidia MB strains in field populations of the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.l. in Cameroon” funded by ANTI-VeC African Anopheles Symbiont Survey, the Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID), is launching…

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: Studies of bovine trypanosomiasis and wing geometric morphometric of tabanids, potential mechanical vector for animal trypanosomes in pastoral zone of the Far north region, Cameroon

In this study, Dr Pierre Fongho provides the first insight into the current situation of bovine trypanosomiasis in the Cameroonian Far North region and on the potential mechanical vectors of animal trypanosomes four decades after elimination of the tse-tse fly. The Far North region of Cameroon is known as one of the most important drylands…