VISIT: Prof Dyann Wirth and Prof Abdoulaye Djimbe visit CRID

Renowned malaria researchers Prof. Dyann Wirth (Harvard University) and Prof. Abdoulaye Djimde (University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali) honored CRID with a visit. Yaoundé. March 8th. 9:30 am. Visitors arrived at the CRID research facility located in the Nkoulou district. “It’s a real pleasure for us this morning to welcome two giants…

COMING SOON: ACoMVeC Webinar, 25 march 2024, Register now…

  ACoMVeC is pleased to inform you that we are organising a webinar on the 25th march 2024 under the title: “How can mathematical model be used to influence decision marking in malaria vector control’’. for the circumstance the following thematics  will be developed: Prof Charles Wondji, Vector Biologist/Genetics LSTM-CRID: Malaria control challenges and inputs…