One year after its official launch, the Technical Vector Control Advisory Group (TVCAG) is set to bring together all country members for a second annual plenary meeting.
The convocation will be in Cameroon at Dajoll Hotel in Mbankomo, Yaoundé on March 25, 2020.
The TVCAG was instituted in the framework of a scientific project named “Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control” (PIIVeC) funded by the United Kingdom’s Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF). This project is being carried out at the Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID) located in Yaounde in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and through a partnership with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) United Kingdom.
The purpose of this second annual meeting is to;
Assess progress made in the control of vector borne diseases;
Share findings and evidences generated by projects launched under PIIVeC including Operational Research Projects;
Formulate recommendations to improve the control of vector borne diseases and;
Identify priorities and research topics for the second round of Operational Research Projects.
The TVCAG is a national technical working group tasked to bring togther all stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the control of vector-borne diseases in Cameroon. Its mission is to fuel the Ministry of Public Health and other authorities incharge of health with informed advice on effective tools, strategies and interventions for vector control through regular assessment of research outputs.