As a biomedical engineer, you will be responsible for the equipment fleet at CRID, their life cycle and thus must do and document appropriately logbooks. Oversees part of the maintenance contract administration and maintenance contract management. You are also responsible for the market research before purchases, including involvement in the contracting process for the purchase…

CALL FOR APPLICATION-Therapeutic Study Monitor _SEMBE 2

We are seeking a Therapeutic Study Monitor (TSM) as part of a five-year USAID-funded Systems to End the Malaria Burden through Meaningful Engagement-II (SEMBE II) Project in Cameroon. The project seeks to strengthen the capacity of the Cameroonian government and local stakeholders to positively respond to malaria prevention, control, and elimination priorities. The TSM will…

CALL FOR APPLICATION-Microscopist_technician_SEMBE 2

We are seeking a Microscopist Technician as part of a five-year USAID-funded Systems to End the Malaria Burden through Meaningful Engagement-II (SEMBE II) Project in Cameroon. The project seeks to strengthen the capacity of the Cameroonian government and local stakeholders to positively respond to malaria prevention, control, and elimination priorities. The microscopist will be in…