Ph.D. in Parasitology and Ecology (2022) UMR177 (IRD/CIRAD) Montpellier, France; ITM Antwerp, Belgium, and University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. Thesis: Sleeping sickness and Nagana – increase the resistance of tsetse to infection for better control of vectors and diseases. Supervisor: Pr Flobert NJIOKOU (Cameroon) and Dr Anne GEIGER (France) |
A brief run-through of your education and research/work history before your current post at CRID
2022: Internship in the Catteruccia Lab at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA, August 2022 2022: Student Fellow at the MBL “Biology of Parasitism” course, Woods Hole, MA, USA 2021: Research Assistant at the UMR177 Unit (IRD/CIRAD), Baillarguet, France; working on paratransgenesis of tsetse flies 2017–2021: PhD fellowship in the ParaFrap “PhD South” Program, Montpellier, France 2019: Student Fellow at the Middle Eastern “Biology of Parasitism” course, Bern, Swiss 2019: Principal Investigator of an Infravec2 (European Commission, Horizon 2020) Grant support (agreement number 731060), working on the refractoriness of tsetse flies to trypanosomes |
- Areas of interest:
Population Genetics/Genetic Engineering/Hots-Microbiome-Pathogen Interaction
- Research Areas:
Post-Doc Fellow in the Research Unit of Charles Wondji; working on spatiotemporal distribution and gene flow of insecticide resistance and immunity genes in An. gambiae and An. coluzzii in Cameroon; this is to predict if gene drives for malaria control can be safely and sustainably implemented in Africa
Bench Supervisor: Dr Mewamba Estelle |
2023–Current. Member of the student appraisal committee at CRID.
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Alumni, CIRAD Alumni, France Alumni Cameroun, Cameroonian Academy of Young Scientists – CAYS |