CLIMATE AND HEALTH: Empowering African researchers on climate and disease challenges

Climate change and the proliferation of vector-borne diseases poses a significant challenge to Africa’s health and environment. To effectively address these pressing issues, it is crucial to foster a new generation of research leaders equipped with the necessary skills and understanding of the intricate relationship between climate change and disease transmission. Emerging scholars, deeply rooted…

VISIT: Prof Dyann Wirth and Prof Abdoulaye Djimbe visit CRID

Renowned malaria researchers Prof. Dyann Wirth (Harvard University) and Prof. Abdoulaye Djimde (University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali) honored CRID with a visit. Yaoundé. March 8th. 9:30 am. Visitors arrived at the CRID research facility located in the Nkoulou district. “It’s a real pleasure for us this morning to welcome two giants…