Paludisme : la collaboration CRID-PMI au beau fixe

Le partenariat entre ces deux acteurs de la lutte contre le paludisme contribue grandement à la continuité de ce combat au Cameroun et en Afrique.   Au Cameroun, comme dans la plupart des pays où elle est en vigueur, l’Initiative présidentielle contre le paludisme (President’s Malaria Initiative ou PMI) s’emploie à améliorer la prévention et…

Malaria: the CRID-PMI collaboration in good shape

The partnership between these two entities in the fight against malaria greatly contributes to improve public health in Cameroon and in Africa.   In Cameroon, as in most countries where it is has been operationalized, the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) works to increase prevention and treatment means in malaria. PMI has been carrying out this…

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project 2 : developing field-deployable RT-PCR for vector surveillance

In malaria vector control surveillance, data concerning many important indicators can only be collected via laboratory-based molecular tests (i.e., species confirmation of species complexes, molecular mechanisms of resistance, Plasmodium infectivity). At present, transporting mosquitoes to laboratories for testing is a major rate-limiting step that can lead to months-long delays in receiving data, especially if there…